General Rules Of Gameplay
- No disrespect or offensive topics.
- No offensive usernames or impersonation of others.
- No advertising links or other servers.
- No spamming chat, sending similar messages fast.
- No griefing. This means do not destroy other players builds or placing unnecessary things in the wild.
- No stealing. If the build is not yours, do not take anything. You may ask staff to investigate if the build is still in use.
- No abusive redstone. Do not attempt to disturb the server with malicious redstone.
- Make sure to claim your builds to protect them from other players.
- Inappropriate builds must be kept hidden in your own claim.
Clients & Mods
- No clients that contain a unfair advantage mod such as Xray.
- No mods that may disrupt other players gameplay.
- You are allowed to use Forge, Litematica, Optifine, Fabric, or any that keep mods to yourself.
- Shaders & Fullbright are allowed.
Alt Accounts
- You are allowed to have 1 extra account.
- No spam joining with extra accounts.
- AFK farms are allowed if they do not lag the server.
- You are allowed to AFK for any amount of time.
- No bypassing the entity limits. This is used to help the performance of the server.
- Farms that are broken or bypass the mob limits may be removed.